Flexigum N2
Bitumer Flexigum N2 is a bitumen hot applied road sealant is produced from asphalt modified with SBS (Styrene-Butadiene-Styrene) polymers. The material retains high elasticity even at low temperatures down to -10 °C. The high quality of the base bitumen ensures resistance to UV radiation and a lower degree of filling degradation over time.
For use in structural and technological fillings:
- expansion joints of asphalt concrete,
- cement concrete, SMA mixes (Stone Mastic Asphalt),
- in squares, streets, and car parks.
- The compound is perfect for sealing joints between asphalt or concrete surfaces and steel elements (manholes),
- Works well as filling and sealing of damaged seams in asphalt pavements.
Before applying Bitumer Flexigum N2, the gaps should be blown with a stream of compressed air, it is recommended to prime the contact surface with Bitumer Primal asphalt solution. The substrate must be dry and free of any free impurities (sand, dust, oil) that may impair bonding. The primer solution must dry and form a thin film.
The mass application must take place in dry conditions at a substrate temperature above 5°C. If there is a risk of precipitation, work must be stopped immediately. High humidity of the air/substrate may also adversely affect the performance of works.
The use of Bitumer Flexigum N2 requires the use of equipment for melting asphalt mass. After removing the brine from the packaging, place it in the heating boiler and heat it up to a temperature not exceeding 180°C. (Heating the casting mass above 250°C may damage the polymer bonds). The hot applied sealant can be applied from a watering can or mechanically with a lance. It is important that the mass temperature exceeds 100°C during application. Applying the mass at a lower temperature significantly increases the viscosity of the mass, which makes it difficult to apply.

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Phone: +48 793 707 350