Modification of bituminous products requires the addition of styrene-butadiene polymer in the form of a polymer dispersion in water. Elaston C55 is a suspension of SBR rubber polymer in water, the addition of which significantly improves elasticity and resistance to deformation. Styrene butadiene latex is an alternative to natural latexes. Elaston C55 mixes easily with cationic asphalt emulsions increasing resistance to
– ageing of the asphalt mixture
– improves adhesion between binder and aggregate
– improves resistance to rutting
– Increasing resistance to fatigue cracking
– Increasing resistance to cracking at low temperatures
The use of styrene butadiene latex additive reduces susceptibility to temperature. At high temperatures, the binder exhibits higher stiffness. The modified binder has higher elasticity at lower temperatures.
The addition of the modifier Elaston C55 contributes to the laying of more durable pavements and reduces road maintenance costs.
Cationic asphalt emulsions are one of the basic asphalt binders used in construction and road rehabilitation. This material has a special place among others. Why? Continue reading to learn more!
Cationic latex is nothing else but an asphalt-latex coating made in combination with cationic asphalt emulsions. Asphalt-latex coating is one of the most popular construction chemicals out there. Unlike it, however, the cationic variety is based on SBR or natural latex.
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Properties of cationic latex
What makes this material stand out? Primarily – quick setting. However that is not all. Cationic latex surfaces can be used on both old and new primers. Moreover, they can also be used for renovation of old felt underlayment – also with incomplete layering. An important feature of cationic latex is at least 3.5 mm coating thickness after water evaporation However the most important feature of cationic latex is increasing of durability, ductility, and toughness of asphalt emulsions. In addition, it also has a positive effect on the softening point and aging resistance. It also increases the flexibility of the pavement at low temperatures.
Cationic latex and road construction industry norms
Lateks kationowy najczęściej wykorzystuje się przede wszystkim w budownictwie drogowym. Służy on głównie do utrwalania powierzchniowego, a także do tworzenia cienkich warstw w budowie nawierzchni na zimno. W budownictwie drogowym używa się go do ulepszania kationowych emulsji bitumicznych. Dlaczego to takie ważne? Głównie ze względu na to, że ulepszenie masy bitumicznej korzystnie wpływa na właściwości czystej emulsji bitumicznej. Warto również wspomnieć o tym, że w zależności od rodzaju lateksu kationowego, może on być nanoszony zarówno metodami nanoszenia, jakie stosuje się w trakcie budowy nawierzchni na zimno, jak i metodami na gorąco.
Most common uses of cationic latex.
Finally, we should mention general technical specifications for road and bridge construction. They are the base for a number of requirements that cationic latex needs to meet in order to be used in construction of a road or a bridge. These include:.
- DIN EN 1426 – specifications of penetration needles;
- DIN EN 1427 – refers to establishing the softening point with the ring and ball test
- DIN EN 12593 – establishes the Fraas Breaking Point;;
- DIN EN 13398 – specifies elastic recovery.
The above-mentioned norms guarantee high standard and quality of the product. It is significant as using cationic latex does not leave a margin for error. Construction works that use cationic latex have to be performed meticulously, which means that construction materials need to be carefully selected.